Most cats aren’t big fans of water. Those of us who have tried to give their cats a bath may have ended up needing to wear long sleeve shirts while the wounds healed up. There are always exceptions to the rule. I know of a few cats who love to sit on the edge of the bathtub while their human takes a shower. Despite cats natural aversion to water, water is one of the most critical components of their diet and the thing often most overlooked for house cats. Did you know that cats need water through food?
There are cat water fountains, attachments that you stick on to your bathroom faucet for cats to drink out of, cat water bowls and various other devices manufactured to try and convince your cat to drink more water. Water is important to cats and is the single most important factor in reducing urinary tract diseases in cats. But here’s the thing, drinking water from the bowl or from your sink is not enough to do the trick. Cats need to derive water from their food source. In the wild, this happens naturally. Cats are either birders or mousers and both of these prey contain about 80% water. Indoor cats that are fed a dry food diet do not receive enough water through their diet.
The best thing you can do for your cat’s health is to add in a diet with moisture built in. You don’t have to bring your cat fresh mice or birds, but feeding canned food or dehydrated food can put some much needed moisture back in to your cat’s diet. Feeding a diet fully comprised of canned or dehydrated food is best, but supplementing your cat’s kibble will go a long way to improving your cat’s health.
Our Wild Brushtail and Berries uses New Zealand Brushtail, high in Omega 3 fatty acids and extremely palatable. We gently dry the food for a long period at a low temperature, allowing our food to retain most of it’s beneficial enzymes. To feed to your cat, simply add water and stir. Let the formula sit for a few minutes to soak in and then feed! Your cat will enjoy the taste of over 45% Brushtail meat and derive the natural benefits of a diet high in moisture.