Don’t Shop for A Puppy, Adopt A Puppy!

Everyone loves puppies.   With their tiny little paws and sweet puppy breath, it’s hard to not fall in love with puppies.  If you think you have to buy a puppy  from a pet store in order to get to experience puppy love, think again.  With rescues like Georgia Peaches Puppy Rescue, you can adopt a puppy and go through the joys of raising your very own dog.

Georgia Peaches Puppy Rescue (GPPR) started unofficially in 2011 and by May of 2012 became an independent organization. The founder of GPPR is Mia Swartz; she started the organization after realizing there was a high demand for rescue puppies locally. In 2011, an adult dog in need caught her eye and she offered to financially sponsor this dog for a rescue. However, the owner of the dog ultimately reclaimed the dog and the shelter asked if she would rescue two 6 month old puppies instead. Both puppies did not have a rescue and were scheduled to be euthanized the following morning. She orchestrated this rescue while traveling in Australia and upon her return to the United States she picked up two puppies from the airport. They both found wonderful homes and ultimately provided the foundation for what would become Georgia Peaches Puppy Rescue!

Why puppies from Georgia?  Well, here in the Pacific Northwest we are pretty darn good at getting our animals spayed and neutered.  Which is great for keeping the population down, but not so great if you have your heart set on a puppy.  In rural places where spaying and neutering isn’t as common, it’s sadly standard to euthanize puppies who require too much money and care to keep at a shelter.  So, Georgia Peaches brings the pups here where they are taken to foster homes around Seattle and adopted out.  We were glad that we were able to help Georgia Peaches out with some puppy food donations for these adorable dogs!

Georgia Peaches is completely volunteer run and is always in need of foster homes and donations.  It’s been said it takes a village to raise a child.  The same can be said about rescuing puppies.  There are volunteers who fly to Georgia to set up transport for puppies, there are volunteers who pick up pups from the airport, volunteers who offer training solutions, volunteers who take pictures of prospective dogs and of course, volunteers who take puppies into their homes until they are adopted.  Georgia Peaches provides all foster puppies with complete veterinary care.  You can find a list of adoptable dogs here and you can find more information on Georgia Peaches and how you can help at

Teddy is cute as a bug and would like a family!

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