They may be a protected species in their native land of Australia, but in New Zealand, the invasive species of Trichosurus vulpecula—or simply the brushtail—are far from welcome.
Introduced to the country by a booming fur trade, these pesky little possums don’t have a natural predator, leaving them free to forage the woods and nearby houses unchecked.
As adorable as others may see them, as a group, they are disturbing the ecosystem of New Zealand, damaging pine plantations and regenerative forests. They also pose a threat to the local animals by infecting farm livestock with microbes and endangering native bird species—which happen to be part of the brushtail diet.
From pests to pet food
In the 1990s, Addiction Pet Foods discovered Brushtail meat’s nutritional benefits. Rich in protein and high in Omegas 3 and 6, it offered a viable alternative to the market meat raised in farmlands. Brushtail meat is hypoallergenic or less likely to trigger an allergic reaction.
Brushtails are free-ranged. They are harvested from the wild, where they freely feed on berries, roots, foliage, and the occasional bird. However, despite being used as a meat source and other efforts to control its population, their numbers remained stable.
For years since Addiction Pet Foods innovated dog food protein sources with brushtail, pet owners worldwide have found love for our novel meat recipes. One of them is Addiction Perfect Summer Brushtail, a raw alternative dehydrated dog food formula that combines the mouthwatering and delectable brushtail meat with nutrient-rich sunflower seeds, papayas, spinach, and potatoes. It is an utterly delicious and nutrient-dense meal for your pets who are allergic to more common meat like beef or chicken.
Your pets will also love the succulent goodness of Addiction Brushtail Recipe Meaty Bites. It’s soft and packed with wonderfully delicious and nutritious meat with a full, rich taste that dogs simply love.
Both these brushtail meat products are ideal for dogs with skin and digestive sensitivities,
With brushtail meat now a popular meat ingredient for dog food in New Zealand, not only can dog owners like you be advocates of your dog’s health and overall well-being. You can also contribute to preserving our environment by feeding your furry friend the mouthwatering taste of Addiction’s brushtail meat recipes. –