Educational Articles

Is Your Dog Happy? 5 Clues Besides The Zoomies

As a pet owner, one of our primary responsibilities is to ensure the well-being and happiness of our furry friends. Since dogs cannot communicate with us using words, it is crucial to understand their body language and behaviors to gauge their emotional state. In this...

Singapore special surrendered for being “too big” transforms from being stressed to serene

Being part of a family just to be separated from them after a year is nothing short of heartbreaking.   This is the story of Malibu, a Singapore special given up for adoption for not fitting into the "ideal" size.  From the moment Malibu was let go by his first pet...

Co-Founder Malina Tjhin of Save our Street Dogs Singapore (SOSD) shares how they began saving strays since 2011

As an animal welfare advocate, Malina Tjihn has always been committed to doing what is necessary to improve the welfare of the stray dogs that she has the privilege to help. Malina’s journey in animal welfare began when she met another stray dog feeder at Lorong Halus...

INFOGRAPHIC: 7 health benefits of Fava Beans

Pet parents today are more attuned to their pets' health. This has led to many manufacturing companies using new ingredients to keep up with the demand for humanized pet foods.    In this article, we will discuss a legume that has been eaten and trusted by humans for...

Explore the depth of New Zealand ocean, where the best breed of king salmon is harvested. Learn more about the sustainable, safe ocean farming practices that is helping to preserve our ocean life.


Be astounded by the clear, pristine water of New Zealand’s lakes, home to some of finest duck community. Find out more about the benefits of duck meat.


Be awed by the lush, indigenous forest, where inhabitants like deers and brushtail thrive. Learn more about why New Zealand’s venisons are rated amongst the best in the world.


New Zealand’s temperate climate has made it the ideal place for pastoral farming. Raised free-range and grass-fed, New Zealand’s lamb has been known to be amongst the most tender and succulent.